Thursday, March 02, 2006

Since I was gone last week, I missed the world premiere of the Laughing Librarian's Blogga Song. But in case you're like me and hadn't seen it yet (especially if you read a lot of library weblogs), it's not to be missed!

Then, after hearing the song, you can argue with other library types about whether or not the A-listers were mentioned more than the B-listers. Or something like that. I don't think Folderol even qualifies for the list in the first place, so I can sit back with some popcorn and watch it all. Heh.

Ask Jeeves is now plain old, and Jeeves has retired. What should he do with his newfound free time? I like the carbonite option myself.

This one's for Glenna: it's Women's History Month, dammit, and here are some important facts!

Ancient devastation: Pompeii is reconstructed and re-examined in the Smithsonian. Recent devastation: look at photos from libraries in southern Mississippi, and consider helping out if you can.

Found on a whole site devoted to Jewish mystery stories!

Tomorrow: links from others.

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