Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This Wednesday brings another assortment of escapism-related links, most of which landed in the UK area for some reason. Great Britain must be the place to go in August.

In Manchester, the First Backwards Running Championship takes place this weekend! Fun facts are included on the website. I hope they provide bandages and ice, too.

In London, meanwhile, they're mad for ping-pong. There are a hundred tables around the city, and this is the final week for you to start a pickup game with random strangers!

In Wales, however, they're on the hunt for witches. Seriously. Um, wow?

The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC has an exhibit on the way the ocean was seen back in seafaring days of yore; possibly a good excursion on a really hot, dry day. (Even if you're not in the DC area, there's lots of stuff to look at via the online exhibit.)

And finally, in Berlin this weekend, they're sticking it to the man. Woo! (Link possibly not quite safe for work, depending on the workplace and their views on sticking it to the man.)

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