Friday, August 13, 2010

Happy Friday the 13th! Cassandra starts off this week's installment of Links from Others in spooky style, with a creepy story about rabid bats in Peru. However, on a brighter note, "Monster High" dolls may be the latest trend.

Julie sends us right back to creepyville with a story of a Massachusetts man who had a plant sprout in HIS LUNG. Aieeeeee.

Bunny reports that the world is collapsing around us. Well, the US, anyway.

Cassandra also sent in a story about how the web has changed people's concepts of plagiarism.

Tim says the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle has finally been solved. Sure, that's what they WANT you to think.

NYC correspondent Zazoo sends in news of a Pop-Tarts cafe in Times Square.

And finally, Josie plays us off with Gary Numan performing "Cars"

Have a spiffy weekend, everyone! Check back for a special video update (provided the stars align correctly) in which the winners of the book giveaway contest are announced.

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