Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hammacher Schlemmer, although always on the side of the overpriced, gets the terminology right with their "Victorian Futurist's Monorail" set. Great fun for both steampunks and those who dislike the steampunk label!

In a post which obviously attracts steampunky librarians, P.C. Sweeney ruminates on how steampunk can save librarianship. Huzzah!

Steampunk Magazine has a new issue...I think? Issue 7 is out, at any rate, and looks lovely.

Also, there's a Tumblr devoted to turn-of-the-20th-century images.

Also, China MiƩville has a weblog! I did not know this. (There are some steampunky bits and some radical bits and some general bits. Good stuff.)

Would you expect to find a museum devoted to Edison and gramophones in South Korea? No? Well, prepare to encounter the unexpected.

And lastly, a mysterious explorer by the name of Bertram Fiddle has appeared on the web and seems to be having all sorts of adventures.

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