Monday, June 01, 2009

We break your brain this Monday by linking to various mythbustings. The famous bust of Nefertiti may only date back to the 19th century! Fairy tales may not be the result of oral tradition! Vincent van Gogh didn't cut off his ear, Paul Gaugin did! (Well, maybe not.)

Another brain-breaker is the prediction that we'll be able to store 10,000 films on one DVD in about five years. Get ready to make lots of backups of that one precious DVD.

Fellow surrealists rejoice: the Magritte Museum opens to the public tomorrow in Brussels!

If you've always meant to read David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest but were daunted by its length, fear not: the Infinite Summer project is here to help.

The National Trust for Historic Preservation has published its annual list of the 11 most endangered historic places; Frank Lloyd Wright's Unity Temple is among them.

Caroline of The Hills are Alive does wonderful, fascinating photographic work, and you can browse her Flickr site for hours.

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