Thursday, June 11, 2009

It seems like Thursday posts bring doom and gloom more often than not, especially in the area of news libraries. Recently, ABC has closed down its in-house library. A list is being compiled and is constantly growing, sadly.

When videos disappear from YouTube, do you wonder why? YouTomb is documenting the process.

Everyone, even the government, is joining Twitter these days.

Has anyone signed up to try Hunch yet? It's brought to you by one of the co-founders of Flickr, which automatically makes me more interested in this than in Bing or any other new venture.

In honor of Pride Month, New York City's libraries are featuring a literary pride march. (Bigger view of the map here, with some details.)

And finally, here's a bright spot: meet Nyx, the amazing library cat!

Tomorrow: links from others! Thanks, everyone.

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