Friday, October 15, 2010

Happy Friday, everyone! Later today there will be a post pointing to a book review/giveaway over at the Steampunk Librarian. (And while it is slightly steampunk, it's more than that, so I think that anyone who likes free books should go take a look once the post is live.)

Right now, it's time for links for others. Yay!

From the Sparkle Queen: "I saw this Folderol-worthy article in the Boston Phoenix. Also, a book trailer (a concept that I still can't fully get behind)." Literary tattoos! I admit, I'm tempted.

From Julie: an amazing photograph of lightning striking the Statue of Liberty.

Also from Julie: Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine may become reality!

From Zazoo: Also possibly becoming reality is Wonka gum which tastes like a three-course meal!

Also from Zazoo: a McDonald's commercial featuring a gay teenager. Kudos to McD's.

From Satori: Kaiju Big Battel [sic] is going on this weekend in New York! I'm so envious.

Swiped from Jimmylegs: This weekend also brings us National Feral Cat Day. Look into a TNR organization near you!

And finally, this weekend also brings us the start of MLB's league championship series. Texas Ranger (and former Cincinnati Red!) Josh Hamilton is a recovering addict and he has avoided the champagne shower celebrations so far this year. So his teammates threw him a special celebration with ginger ale. The video is awesome. Go baseball.

Have a spiffy weekend, everyone! See you Monday for regularly scheduled Folderol goodness, and check back for the giveaway post later this afternoon.

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