Monday, November 05, 2007

I'm back from the land of sun, sea and earthquakes, and it was fun! More on the conference later this week. For now, here are the Monday links.

Halloween may be over, but there's always a time to wear masks. You can make your own Mexican wrestling mask, or you could wear the faces of various Australian politicians (I include this because one of the choices is Midnight Oil singer-turned-politician Peter Garrett. Beds are burning!).

If you want more fun with paper, here's how to make a paper skull with an articulated jaw. If you like skulls, check out the skull stop signs among this cornucopia of old traffic lights!

Holiday card season is coming. You can enter a competition at Moo for the best cards, or you can buy some when the contest is over Dec. 1st!

The Poetry Foundation has started a series of poems in comic format. They've only got two so far, but it looks like it could become an excellent ongoing feature.

Arts and crafts and Star Wars. It's a match made in heaven! If you look through the previous entries, you'll find an amazing life-sized Jabba the Hutt puppet.

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