Wednesday, August 12, 2020

 Happy Wednesday. Here are some random bits and pieces to enjoy! 

We are big fans of Meow Wolf, and are delighted to find out that they’re opening an “immersive supermarket” in Las Vegas next year. Many thanks to Satori for sending this. (Satori also said, “I bet they didn’t plan how important grocery stores would be when they were in concept phase.” Ha.) 

The Mysterious Package Company has also added to their repertoire, with the spinoff Curious Correspondence. If you sign up, you get a mystery package/puzzle each month. 

From Cassandra:  A recent Netflix horror movie was filmed in an abandoned (and haunted, of course!) Kentucky mansion. Lots of secrets there, I bet. 

And finally, just for fun: Due to all the recent baseball shenanigans, New York governor Andrew Cuomo suggested that the MLB play in a New York “bubble.” Someone on Reddit took the idea and renamed all the teams tomake them more NY-friendly. My personal favorite is the Brooklyn Bagels, but I also like the Greenwich Stonewallers.

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