Friday, October 23, 2015

Happy Friday!

Cincinnatians who like steampunk and/or astronomy and/or history and/or sci-fi should check out the Jules Verne celebration at the Cincinnati Observatory tomorrow night. I won’t be there, but highly recommend going if you can!

Over the past week, with all the new Star Wars material, Bunny was explaining to me why he thinks X-Wing fighters are the worst. Someone at Jalopnik argues that, instead, TIE fighters are the worst. Debate time!

From Julie: Just how many books in the world are bound with human skin?

From Nicole: A probably-not-safe-for-work musical tribute to David Bowie’s…package…in Labyrinth.

And finally, a fascinating (if sad) investigation into one death in New York City. There are so many stories out there, and so many are never known.

Whoa, sorry to get all dark there at the end. Have a spiffy weekend, everyone, and see you next week.

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