Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Happy Solstice, everyone.

As a random, scattered entry in a random, scattered sort of year, here's my list of books read in 2016. I might go into some more detail later, but this is more of a reminder post to myself. If you've read any of the below and want to talk about them, though, comment away!

(It is probably not a surprise that I read mostly history, mysteries, and sci-fi. The more those three can be combined, the better.)


Tudors, Peter Ackroyd

Mary Boleyn, Alison Weir

Prisoners Base, Rex Stout  [re-read]

London Under, Peter Ackroyd

Behind the Palace Doors, Michael Farquhar

Foundation, Peter Ackroyd

Rebellion, Peter Ackroyd

The Silent Speaker, Rex Stout [re-read]

Where There’s a Will, Rex Stout [re-read]

Murder by the Book, Rex Stout [re-read]

The Grimoire of the Lamb (novella), Kevin Hearne

Plot It Yourself, Rex Stout [re-read]

Champagne for One, Rex Stout [re-read]

Two Ravens and a Crow (novella), Kevin Hearne

The Nightingale Gallery, Paul Doherty

The House of the Red Slayer, Paul Doherty

Chaplin, Peter Ackroyd

Absolute Monarchs, John Julius Norwich

Medusa’s Web, Tim Powers

On Stranger Tides, Tim Powers

The Graveyard Book, Neil Gaiman

The Guns of August, Barbara Tuchman

Jerusalem, Simon Sebag Montefiore

Careless People, Sarah Churchwell

Villains, Rogues and Scoundrels, Paul Martin

The Romanovs, Simon Sebag Montefiore

Scandals of Classic Hollywood, Anne Helen Petersen

The Monster of Venice, Douglas Preston

Bad Monkeys, Matt Ruff

Storm Front, Jim Butcher

The Mistresses of Cliveden, Natalie Livingstone

Dynasty: the Rise and Fall of the House of Caesar by Tom Holland

Fool Moon, Jim Butcher

The Six, Lisa Thompson

Midnight in Peking, Paul French

Carter & Lovecraft, Jonathan L.  Howard

The Devil You Know, Mark Carey

740 Park, Michael Gross


Julie said...

Pleased to see so many books by Peter Ackroydon the list, my favourite author :) Have you read Michel Faber's The Book of Strange New Things? One of the best books I've read this year.

Jinnet said...

I just discovered Peter Ackroyd this year, and he's brilliant! I haven't read The Book of Strange New Things, but will look it up straightaway. Thanks! :)

Julie said...

The best Peter Ackroyd fiction is Hawksmoor. He writes a lot of fiction about people who actually did exist (Dan Leno, Dr Dee, Milton), you must try some. I think I've got just about everything he's ever written :)