Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Friday! Wow, Thanksgiving is next week. I am woefully unprepared.

I am also woefully behind on email and updates in general, which is why I have not responded to Laura yet, but she sent in a link to her wonderful Questionable Advice site (this is my favorite post at the moment) and everyone should go visit it now! Many thanks!

Brendan provided a link to a relative’s weblog; at this rate, the Quirk descendants shall conquer the web any day now. Catherine writes for the Washington Post and National Geographic, and has her own site as well.

Holly sent in the perfect gift idea for the tiny exterminating Dalek in your family, as well as this fantastic photo gallery of black cats auditioning for the chance to act with Peter Lorre and Vincent Price in Tales of Terror (and there are photos of both actors with the cats, too!). Most of the cats are reacting as you might suspect. Hee.

Cassandra sends in a horrifying, eye-opening story about the Roma population in Kosovo.

In potential good news, could a new energy source be the answer to many of today’s problems?

Have a spiffy weekend, everyone! See you soon.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Thanks for the mention!