Friday, April 22, 2011

Okay then, we seem to be recovering from whatever malfunction hit our webhosts. Hopefully all will be well by next week. In the meantime, here's an abbreviated "links from others" post -- happy Friday!

Zazoo sends in a story about a feisty cat who swam across the New York Harbor (!) and also a CNN story on the world's biggest Pac-Man game, which lets users upload their own designs.

Thanks to the geek zodiac, we have established that our group of friends consists, for the most part, of wizards, robots, and adventure seekers. (Apparently I am a robot. You'd think I'd have bionic implants by now, at the very least.)

For those of us who love baseball but also like to mock: Where's Weems lists 25 unfortunate baseball profile graphics. Some of these guys should really suggest a retake.

Have a spiffy weekend/Earth Day/Easter, everyone! See you next week.

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