Thursday, April 07, 2011

Every now and then it's nice to just look at beautiful libraries. The Philosopher's Hall in the library of Strahov Monastery in Prague is now visible in 360-degree panorama vision, thanks to an ambitious photographer!

Back into the technology we jump, with news that Einstein's archives will be digitized (hooray) and that Facebook is serious about this "Questions" development ( Not sure how I feel about this one yet).

Civilian Wartime is a Twitter account and the brainchild of a brilliant historian. Each post links to blogs, essays, and the like, showing what the everyday people of the Civil War era were saying and thinking.

IHeartNYMuseums is also brilliant, because it gathers all the useful information on the city's museums (especially hours of operation) together in one handy place. Now that I'm going to New York on a fairly regular basis, information like this is becoming important!

Tomorrow: links from others, plus a bunch of fun links that have been accumulating all week. Get ready for wacky musical fun on Friday.

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