Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's planning time for steampunks -- this spring promises to be full of events! To wit:

Starting on the western coast of the United States, the 6th Annual Northwest Robotics Festival takes place this weekend.

Moving slowly eastward, the League of Cincinnati Steampunks will engage in further mayhem by marching in the Bockfest Parade on March 4th, with a stuffed goat and possibly an airship and god only knows what else. (And they say we Midwesterners are dull!)

Art Donovan's lovely steampunk works invade New York the weekend of March 17-20 as part of the Architectural Digest Home Show -- if you join the event's group on Facebook, you may be entered in a giveaway contest.

Looking forward to May, the entire town of Waltham, Massachusetts is going steampunk for a weekend! How can one resist an International Steampunk City?

Meanwhile, for online adventurers, Thomas Dolby and Paul Sizer are creating the Map of the Floating City experience, which combines Dolby's latest release and steampunkish gameplay.

Writer Susan Dennard is celebrating Steampunk Month on her weblog, and the folk at Nameberry have come up with a list of steampunk-related baby names suitable for either literary characters or live babies! (Mostly, anyway. I am not responsible for any liability should you decide to name a baby Nemo.)


Sparkle Queen said...

Waltham goes steampunk?! Awesome. If you're coming to that, you'll be closer than ever to the Sparkle Queendom.

Jinnet said...

Wait, is the world supposed to end this year or next? ;)