Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Well, I went away for a week and all sorts of exciting stuff happened in the steampunk world. The Nova Albion Steampunk Exhibition seems to have gone off splendidly, a steampunk wheelchair worthy of Professor Xavier rolled all over the web, and the Book Smugglers devoted an entire week to steampunk books!

The Art of Manliness has a wonderful list of slang from the 19th century, for those of you looking to enliven your language.

And now, a look at global steampunk-esque happenings. Luc Besson is making a film about Adèle Blanc-Sec! The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec is scheduled to premiere in April. See one of the trailers here!

"Virtuoso is an alternate history of an Africa that never existed, one run by steel and springs, commanded by vast matriarchies and past the height of its culture." That is why you need to go there now and read - here's the first page.

A short silent montage shows how much San Francisco changed when the earthquake struck in 1906. Amazing, and scary.

A gallery of ghost signs has debuted in the UK! Not all date back to Victorian times, but some do!

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