Monday, November 02, 2009

If you're near London, the first "adult puppetry festival" in years is going on this week! Check out SUSPENSE if you can.

An interesting result from a UK survey indicates that people who illegally download music also spend the most (legally) on music. Hmm.

Ingmar Bergman's estate will be preserved as an artist's retreat, hooray. You can see a slideshow of the home, too.

Another slideshow of sorts that you should scroll through features the works of artist Yinka Shonibare, who creates wondrous costumes and sets.

Poet Frederico Garcia Lorca's grave may be exhumed in Spain, along with dozens of others.

Today's lesson: Sometimes you should go with your instinct, like this man who bought an old painting for way too much money...and then found it was a masterpiece.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will Puppet B make a special appearance at the festival? He should.