Thursday, October 01, 2009

Today is heavy on the law library reference links, because, well, that's what I do. For example, the 2009 list of the Best Free Reference Websites is out, and is enormously useful!

Also: law librarian Glenna Herald has an article about how Twitter is affecting the legal profession, especially in the instance of jurors using Twitter. Interesting stuff.

Lexis and Westlaw may have to change their methods, as law firms change the way they charge clients for online research. This is a big issue right now in law firms and law libraries.

This week is Banned Books Week, and while I am obviously all about the freedom to read whatever one likes and resist censorship in any form, I could have sworn we just had Banned Books Week a few months ago. Apparently I'm not alone in feeling sort of burned out on this event. At any rate, the ALA has a page of useful resources on the subject, and I love the Flickr picture on that page.

And finally, something unrelated to legal issues: the Anne Frank House now has its own YouTube channel, which includes actual footage of Anne (if only for a few seconds). It's rather breathtaking to see her caught on film, I think -- do check it out.

Tomorrow: many many links from others! Check back and see!

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