Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's that time of year again - the Bulwer-Lytton awards are out!

Google wants you to help free the airwaves so that everyone can have wireless access. There's some sort of paranormal story just waiting to happen out of this whole "between the channels" imagery.

By the way, librarians: here's a nice simple explanation of web 2.0 technology. Hee.

Speaking of social media, we want you to vote! Well, the Cleavers want you to vote. We're running a poll on our Subatomic series - you, the viewers, get to choose the theme of next week's broadcasts. Go and vote, and watch! (We just had our 100th episode, by the way. Wow.)

And now for something on the other end of the spectrum: behold, the largest monastery library in the world. It's gorgeous.

Tomorrow: links from others!

1 comment:

Bill Herald said...

The Ditzy Librarian writes, “So, I still don’t get this Web 2.0 thing. The featured graphic DOES NOT HELP! And to think, I thought I was a visual learner.” HAHA