Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The big happening this weekend is Glastonbury, which is usually mud-filled but mind-blowing, according to most reports. Here on this side of the pond, we have Zombie Kickball going on in Maine, Custer's last stand re-enacting itself (a little less violently) in Montana, and dog-surfing contests taking place in California. You can't complain that life is boring. Even in Chicago, things are exciting, because there are gators in the river! (Sorry, Holly. Don't click on that.)

If you're not going out, you can stay in and lose yourself in the spooky art of Arkham House. (Swiped from Matt Staggs's awesome weblog.)

1 comment:

RJ said...

Thanks for providing a link to my Art of Arkham House post on my blog.

