Thursday, November 03, 2005

Meta-librarian geekout moment: So I've been wondering why my (admittedly crappy) photo of Grokker pins from Internet Librarian has been getting so many hits...and then this morning I looked at the IL Blog to find that Marydee Ojala had linked to it! (Marydee is the editor of Online Magazine. She was also on our flight out from Monterey to Salt Lake City and was happy to see that someone else was a fan of Kraftwerk.)

Grokker was the big hit of the conference, judging from the crowd around its booth at the exhibit hall. A similar visually-oriented way of using the web is at Mooter.

Happy Worldwide Usability Day! There are events going on in 35 different countries. Go and spread the word, and share your opinions on technology, usability, and humanity.

From a library list which labeled this "how to drive your shelvers crazy," I bring you...broken shelves. Purposefully broken, that is. It's a German company, which makes sense because I'd expect these shelves to be in the background of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari or some similar expressionist film.

For the legal librarians, LLRX has a good summary of what's going on with the various courts affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Walt Crawford examines the recent phenomenon of life trumping blogging. Folderol readers, here's a serious question: would you prefer quality over quantity, or do you like the current setup?

For the geographically geeky (and I'm including myself here), check out Earth Contest. With prizes, even!

Tomorrow: links from others. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the current setup!